Tuesday, July 21, 2009

glasses make me feel goofy

So glasses make me feel goofy. When I wear my glasses my perspective is off. I float my fingers over the handrail just in case. I do not walk around in high hells or fish nets or painted red lipstick. I go to blogs that write about hot girls in glasses. I realize I am not one of them.

I tend to forget that anyone can see me so I do not brush my hair. I look mean or at least that’s what I think when I see myself in glasses. I look at other people in glasses and think they all look perfectly normal. I don’t really know what perfectly normal means though.

I am just not a glasses kind of girl. I mean really, I rub my eyes like a girl who forgets girls in glasses can and do wear make up. Under my glasses I have smeared mascara on my cheeks. I don’t look in the mirror because I could care less how I look today so I don't know I've got dirty secrectary face and the fact that no one has mentioned it by the end of the day is reassurance that I am invisible in my glasses.

I do not wear my glasses as a fashion statement. It throws me off when people, who don’t need them, do. I get it but it’s just not on me. I bought my glasses at an online retailer for fewer than thirty bones. Cheap glasses that do the job. My eyes are resting. I’ve worn my contacts for too long so now I have to wear a perfectly functional pair of glasses.

I am comfortable in this insecurity.

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